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쿠팡파트너로 집에서 돈 벌 수 있는 법 쿠팡파트너스 가입하기 ​ SNS를 통해서 수익을 낼 수 있는 방법이 여러 가지가 있습니다. 그리고 갈수록 많아지고 있고요. 그 중에서 쿠팡파트너로 집에서 돈 벌 수 있는 법 알려 드리겠습니다. 부수 입을 내고 싶은 분들은 주목 안녕하세요 오늘은 쿠팡파트너스가 뭔지? 어떻게 수익을 내는지 확인해보겠습니다. 그럼 일단 쿠팡파트너스가 뭐냐? 왜 우리 쿠팡에서 파는 물건들 있죠? 그 물건들을 내가 대신 홍보해주는 겁니다. 블로그나 유튜브 채널 아니면 인스타그램에 그 제품을 홍보하면 누군가가 내 글을 보고 내 링크를 통해서 그 물건을 사면 쿠팡이 저에게 수수료를 주는 겁니다. 한 마디로 쿠팡이란 회사에 마케팅 파트너가 되는 겁니다. 내가 인터넷에 쿠팡 제품홍보를 뿌려 주는 거예요 그걸 쿠팡파트너스라고 합니다. S.. 2021. 3. 3.
부업 100만원 벌기 전자책 쓰는방법 오늘은 pdf 전자책 판매에 대해서 한번 같이 살펴 보도록 하겠습니다. 오늘은 전자책이 과연 무엇이고 전자책은 어떻게 쓰는지 그리고 어떤 주제로 전자책을 써야 할지 그리고 궁극적으로 어디를 통해서 팔아야 할지 한번 살펴 보도록 하겠습니다. 우선 pdf 전자책 이 뭐냐 이 pdf 전자책 이 요즘 너무 핫하기 때문에 사실 대부분 알고 계시겠지만 그래도 모르시는 분들을 위해 짧게 설명하겠습니다. 오늘 말씀드리는 pdf 전자책은 사실 책이라고 하기에는 조금 거창하고 그냥 정보를 담은 문서라고 이야기 하는 게 조금 더 적합할 것 같습니다. 그냥 워드나 한글 같은 프로그램을 통해서 내가 가진 나만의 노하우나 내가 알고 있는 정보나 지식들 이런 것 들을 그냥 문서 형태로 만드는 것을 의미합니다. 그리고 나만의 꿀팁 .. 2021. 3. 3.
closed)urgent] NDT Technicians / Indonesia / Temporary (2Months)Indonesia NDT Technicians / Indonesia / Temporary (2Months) Indonesia ASAPTemporary (2Months), Contract What we seekMy client is seeking certified & experienced NDT & Inspection personnel. Positions & Essential Qualifications : NDT Manager (1 ) ASNT L3(UT, RT, MT, PT) = USD 600/ Day* Bachelor of Engineering degree, Preferable in Mechanical/ Metallurgy or Diploma. * Technical knowledge of instrumentation a.. 2020. 7. 31.
QA Inspector/Protex Industrial Services Henderson WA QA Inspector Protex Industrial Services Henderson WA Full time About Us: Protex Industrial Services has over 50 year’s collective experience in project management of protective coatings and high-pressure water cleaning. We pride ourselves on creating positive relationships with all our clients and providing a professional seamless experience throughout all our projects and achieving and maintain.. 2020. 7. 29.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 2 21. Weld spatter is caused by (spatter -> undercut) a. arc blow, excessive current, wet electrodes b. arc blow, excessive current, alternating current c. low-hydrogen filler, reduced travel speed d. low magnetic retention excessive current, wet electrodes 22. In the making of seamless or electric resistance welded (ERW) pipe or tubing the discontinuities are oriented a. transverse to the pipe or.. 2020. 7. 23.
API Inspector /Thailand( Da-Nang) Temporary (3Months) API Inspector /Thailand( Da-Nang) Temporary (3Months) Thailand/ Da-Nang After Lockdown Temporary (3Months), Contract What we seek My client is seeking certified & experienced API Inspector ( PIPING& VESSEL Inspector) Positions & Essential Qualifications : Vessel Inspector (10) API510 = USD 400~800/ Day * Bachelor of Engineering degree, Preferable in Mechanical/ Metallurgy or Diploma. * Technical.. 2020. 7. 22.
Welding Inspector / Thailand ( Da-Nang) Temporary ( 3 Months) Welding Inspector / Thailand ( Da-Nang) Temporary ( 3 Months) Thailand/ Da-Nang After Lockdown Temporary ( 3 Months), Contract What we seek My client is seeking certified & experienced Welding Inspector Positions & Essential Qualifications : Welding Inspector (1) SCWI = USD 600~800/ Day * Bachelor of Engineering degree, Preferable in Mechanical/ Metallurgy or Diploma. * Technical knowledge of in.. 2020. 7. 22.
NDT Technicians / Thailand( Da-Nang) Temporary (3Months) NDT Technicians / Thailand( Da-Nang) Temporary (3Months) Thailand/ Da-Nang After Lockdown Temporary (3Months), Contract What we seek My client is seeking certified & experienced NDT & Inspection personnel. Positions & Essential Qualifications : NDT Manager (1 or 2) ASNT L3(UT, RT, MT, PT) = USD 500/ Day * Bachelor of Engineering degree, Preferable in Mechanical/ Metallurgy or Diploma. * Technica.. 2020. 7. 22.
NDT Technicians /Taiwan( Taipai) /Temporary (5~6 Months) NDT Technicians / Advanced NDT Technicians Taiwan/ Taipai After Lockdown Temporary (5~6Months), Contract What we seek My client is seeking certified & experienced NDT & Inspection personnel. Positions & Essential Qualifications : NDT Manager (1 or 2) ISO9712 L3(UT, PA, RT, MT, PT) = USD 700/ Day * Bachelor of Engineering degree, Preferable in Mechanical/ Metallurgy or Diploma. * Technical knowle.. 2020. 7. 22.
Welding Inspector / Taiwan( Taipai) /Temporary (5~6Months) Welding Inspector / Taiwan( Taipai) /Temporary (5~6Months) Taiwan/ Taipei After Lockdown Temporary (5~6 Months ), Contract What we seek My client is seeking certified & experienced Welding Inspector Positions & Essential Qualifications : Welding Inspector (1) CSWIP 3.2 = USD 600~800/ Day * Bachelor of Engineering degree, Preferable in Mechanical/ Metallurgy or Diploma. * Technical knowledge of i.. 2020. 7. 22.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 PT 1 1. Application of a lipohilic emulsifier is accomplished by A. A nozzle that provides a coarse spray B. A nozzle that provides a fine, pressure spray C. Dipping the part into an open tank D. By brushing the emulsifier on to the part with a coarse spray 2. Which of the following is not an effective method for removing grease from the surface of a part to be penetrant tested? A. Alkaline cleaner B.. 2020. 7. 22.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 MT 5 81. The coercive force the magnetic material whose hystersis loop is shown in figure.4 is given by the A. amplitude of flux density B at point 8 B. amplitude of flux density B at point E C. product of B and H at point B D. negative value of H at point C 82. On the initial magnetization curve the maximum permeability of the magnetic material is achivevd A. at the point of maximum slope on curve o.. 2020. 7. 21.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 RT 1 1. An unacceptable flaw has been identified in a 3/4 inch thick plate. Concerning stereoradiography Which of the following is true? A. A single radiograph is exposed using two radiation source positioned parallel to the film B. The relationship between the two required exposures is equal to the papillary C. The movement of the source between flaw height (distance from part surface) is exponentia.. 2020. 7. 21.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 1 01. The term "non-relevant" is used to describe types of indications. Which of the following signal sources would often fall into this category during a penetrant examination? a. indications due to part geometry of part design configurations b. nonmagnetic indications that appear as circular patterns c. multiple indications that form in small pockets on the open surface d. non-linear indications.. 2020. 7. 21.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 UT 1 1. Which of the following is not basic information available through ultrasonic examination A. The location of the discontinuity in the weld cross section can be estimated B. The orientation, and to some degree, the shape of the discontinuity can be determined by comparing signal size when tested from different directions C. The returned signal amplitude is a measure of the height of the discont.. 2020. 7. 21.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 24 461. Nondestructive test methods may be further subdivide into disciplines or techniques to meet specific employer needs. These certifications are consider_____________ a. provisional certifications b. limited certifications c. not allowed under SNT-TC-1A d. for information only 462. One way to calibrate an ultrasonic system is to adjust the sensitivity of the response from a series of flat bott.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 23 441. according to ASNT SNT-TC-1A who shall be responsible for the administration and grading of exam for level I, II or other level III personnel? a. The employer b. an NDT level III c. the outside agency level III d. the regional ASNT level III 442. Credit for work experience in ECT must be at least ______ of the minimum NDT work experience required for level I or II qualification a. 10 % b. 50.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 22 421. an NDT personnel qualification and certification written practice in accordance with SNT-TC-1A, must describe the a. background and title of the designated certifying agent of the employer b. procedures that are used in evaluating materials and component in accordance with specific code standard and specification c. responsibility of each level of certification for determining the acceptabi.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 21 401. electrical discharge machining is useful in nondestructive testing because it can prodece a. fine surface finishes b. small hole’s and notches c. sharp reductions in cross section area d. natural flows for precision calibration blocks 402. an industrial fiber-optic borescope will have which of the following component? a. rigid tubes joining the lenses in the system b. copper wires to transm.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 20 381. the welds of a very large comples container must be leak tested both sides of the welded joint are accessible the container will operate at pressures as high as 15 psig and must not leak which leak testing technique would be the most economical test that is sufficiently sensitive to assure the container will not leak? a. through wall penetrant technique b. bubble vacuum box technique c. pre.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 19 361. an inherent defect that are thin flat discontinuity found in plate or strip and are a result of gas inclusion or pipe in the original ingot is a. inclusion b. pipes c. dross d. lamination 362. the highest sensitivity of a hail generator is obtained when the direction of the magnetic field in relation to the largest surface of the hall probe is a. parallel b. at an angle of 45 degrees c. at .. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 18 341. Eddy current testing of a material cannot a. measure to conductivity b. detect small near-surface discontinuities c. measure its ductility d. measure its magnetic permeability 342. which of the following properties of Al alloys is most affected by the presence of geometric stress riser? a. ductility b. corrosion resistance c. conductivity d. endurance limits 343. which of the following weld.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 17 321. in a direct current magnetic particle test of a 1" thick carbon steel weld using prods 5" part what minimum current will be needed? a. 50 ampere b. 150 ampere c. 350 ampere d. 500 ampere 322. the general method of producing X-rays involves the sudden deceleration of high velocity electrons in a solid body called a a. focus cup b. target c. filament d. cathode 323. the penetrating ability of.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 16 301. monel and inconel are a. magnesium alloys b. nickel alloys c. beryllium d. tungsten alloys 302. the acronym EDM refers to a. electrolytic dipolar machining b. energy diatomic mixture c. electrolytic discharge machining d. electrochemical machining 303. which of the following is the term "anodizing" associated a. surface treatment of stainless steel alloys b. metal surface cleaning c. surfac.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 15 281. eddy current testing of a material consert? a. measure its conductivity b. detect small, near surface discontinuity c. measure its ductility d. measure its magnetic permeability 282. in angle beam ultrasonic testing of plate the defect most probably undetectable would be a. cracks which are perpendicular to the sound-wave b. inclusions which are randomly oriented c. cracks which are paralle.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 14 261. which of the following is not a property of magnetic lines of force? a. they form closed loops which do not cross b. the density increases with increasing distance from the poles of a permanent magnet c. they are considered to have direction d. they seek paths of least magnets resistance of least reluctance 262. surrounding an electromagnet the magnets field is strongest a. immediately afte.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 13 241. Which of the following is an advantage of fluorescent penetrants over visible dye penetrants? a. the inspection can be carryed out in a well-lighted area b. small indications are more easily seen c. can be used where contact with water is objectionable d. less sensitive to contamination of discontinuities 242. Reference standards used for eddy current testing a. must contain artificial disc.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 12 221. The method that can’t thest brazed joint? a. RT b. UT c. ECT or MT d. LT 222. The method to measure young modules? a. UT b. ECT c. MT d. RT 223. Fracture mechanics analysis is an established engineering analysis process which assumes that a. all components an flaw free at the time of manufacture b. all components an time flaw as a requirements for determining warranty c. the number of flaws.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 11 201. Green sand casting molds include a. sand clay and water b. sand wax and solvent c. sand refractory metals and water d. sand carbon green clay 202. Small metal supports used to support and position cores become part of a casting by fusing with the molten metal. Such devices are called a. core hangers b. chills c. chaplets d. risers 203. for checking the wear or clearance of ball in steel val.. 2020. 7. 9.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 BASIC 10 181. lamella tearing in a steel weldment a. can only occur if laminations are present b. can only occur in the presence of hydrogen and martensite formation in the beat affected zone c. are cracks in the base metal due to high tensile stresses in the through-thickness direction of the plate d. occur as crater cracks in the weld bead 182. If there is insufficient weld metal to fill the weld joint.. 2020. 7. 9.