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inspection/ASNT L3


by highquality 2020. 7. 21.
1. An unacceptable flaw has been identified in a 3/4 inch thick plate. Concerning stereoradiography
Which of the following is true?
A. A single radiograph is exposed using two radiation source positioned parallel to the film
B. The relationship between the two required exposures is equal to the papillary
C. The movement of the source between flaw height (distance from part surface) is exponential to image
D. The source are positioned on the opposite sides of the plate(180 degree a part)

2. In a "demonstration or technique shot" radiography with both film side and source side penetrameter.
When image of penetrameters of the same thickness are compared the image of the film side
penetrameter usually will be
A. sharper with less contrast
B. fuzzier and more contrast
C. sharper and more contrast
D. fuzzier and less contrast

3. A single-V butt joint is radiographed in a 12" length a two area of 2" and 3" length are observed where a
higher density than base material over the complete width of the final pass is observed. What is the type
of discontinuity associated to such areas?
A. Overlap
B. Root concavity
C. Incomplete penetration
D. Underfill

4. A series of well defined ruptures used by high localized stresses which develop as a casting cool would be
identified as
A. Shrinkage
B. Cold Shut
C. Segregation
D. Hot tears

5. Thulium activated sodium iodide crystals can be used as gamma radiation detectors because they
A. Emit photons of visible light in absorbing gamma rays
B. Emit X-ray photons in absorbing gamma rays
C. Change to a gaseous state that can be detected by gaseous ionization detectors
D. Emit low level sounds in absorbing gamma rays

6. Relatively small physical size is indicative of a radioisotope sealed source of
A. low energy level
B. high specific activity
C. high self absorption
D. long half life

7. For not of sintered materials, an effective method to determine adequacy of impregnation on metal/metal
impregnations is
A. eddy current
B. radiography
C. liquid penetrant
D. infrared

8. Which of the following can not be determined by gaging with an appropriate radiation source and detector
A. material density
B. material thickness
C. hydrogen content
D. surface strain

9. What is the geometric unsharpness image of an object located 2 inches below the source side surface
(always from the film) of a 3 inch thick test object where radiographed with an 8mm(0.315inch) focal
spot at 24 inches focus-to-film?
A. 0.007 inch
B. 0.014 inch
C. 0.030 inch
D. 0.045 inch

10. Geiger-Mueller(GM) types of instruments are not suitable for use in monitoring film exposures with
betatron high-energy radiation because
A. high-energy radiation photons can not excite the G-M tubes to flash over in available modes
B. The G-M tubes saturate on each pulse cycle of intense radiations, so as to count cycles only
C. The signal pulse height is constant and independent of the type of incident penetrating radiation
D. The G-M tube responds only to signal ionizing events with high sensitivity

11. Water spots on a film can be minimized by
A. Rapid drying of wet film
B. Immersing the wet film for one or two minutes in a wetting agent
C. By using fresh fixer solution
D. By cascading water during the rinse cycle

12. The specifications for 1400kV-8mA X-Rays machine were lost. Using the pin-hole technique. Which of
the following can be determined?
A. A plot of the heel effect of thc anode
B. The effective focal spot size
C. An X-ray distribution graph
D. The actual focal spot size

13. Circular indication on a film. Which are lighter in density than the surrounding area and may be randomly
distributed on the film area are caused by
A. dirt on the film
B. air bells
C. pressure marks
D. finger marks

14. Why is it sometimes necessary to removed to weld ripples or surface irregularities by grinding during
A. To prevent damage to emulsion of film
B. To reduce scatter radiation
C. To assure proper interpretation
D. To increase intensification action of film

15. Which of the following sources of radiation would you select for radiograph a 5-inch thick welded
aluminum specimen?
A. cobalt-60
B. 25-Mev betatron
C. 1-MeV X-ray generator
D. 400kV X-ray generator

16. Scanning micro densitometry can be very useful tool for interpreters, as long as the limitations of this
equipment are realized. The major limitations of the equipment is ensuring interpretable result are produced
Scanning micro densitometry will produce both relevant and non-relevant graph peak. Another name of
relevant peaks is (_____________) while non-relevant peaks are (__________________)
A. noise, signal
B. aperture, graph
C. signals, noise
D. graph, aerture

17. Film that remain between lead screens too long in high temperature and high humidity may
A. Have increased speed
B. Have decreased speed
C. Become fogged
D. Become mottled

18. Image of discontinuities close to the source side of the specimen become less clearly define as
A. Source to objected distance increase
B. The thickness of the specimen increase
C. The size of the focal spot decreases
D. The thickness of the specimen decreases

19. Diffraction mottling can be reduced and often eliminated by
A. Raising the amperage
B. Raising the kilovoltage
C. Using lead screens
D. Increasing the source to film distance

20. Why are vacuum cassettes used to obtain the sharpest possible images when performing radiography
with screens of any type?
A. To remove the air from inside the cassette
B. For the best screen film contrast
C. To reduce air scatter to a minimum
D. To increase the electron production from the screens







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




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