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아직 공유안한 자료들 많이 있습니다 혹시 필요하신분들 댓글 달아주세요 (510,570, 653, ASNT L3, CWI 등...기타 각종 코드 필요하신분들 )
국내 최저가 화상영어 추천(한달 5만원 20회 20분)
101) A piping engineer is designing a piping service with high potential consequences if a failure occurs, i.e. a 350 psi natural gas line adjacent to a high density population area. What should he consider doing for unanticipated situations ?
a) Have all his calculations checked twice.
b) Increase the required minimum thickness.
c) Notify the owner-user and the jurisdiction.
d) Set up an emergency evacuation procedure.
102) When evaluating locally thinned areas, the surface of the weld includes __________ on either side of the weld or __________ times the minimum measured thickness on either side of the weld, whichever is greater.
a) 0.5", 3 b) 1", 2 c) 2", 1 d) 1.5", 1.5
103) An inspector finds a thin area in a fabricated 24" diameter pipe. The thin area includes a longitudinal weld in the pipe and is 10 feet long and 2 foot circumferentially. Calculations show that with 0.85 joint factor, the pipe must be repaired, renewed, etc. or the pressure in the pipe must be lowered. The owner does not want to do any hot work on the pipe and he does not wish to lower the pressure. What other course could you follow ?
a) Write the results of the inspection up and leave it with the owner.
b) Radiograph the weld 100 % and increase the joint factor to one.
c) Insist that the weld be repaired or renewed or that the pressure be lowered.
d) Call in a regulator agency to force the owner to repair, renew, etc. the line.
104) Piping stress analysis is done during the system's original design. How can the inspector make use of stress analysis information ?
a) An inspector cannot use this information. It is only meaningful to a piping engineer.
b) It can be used to make sure the piping system was originally evaluated and designed correctly.
c) It can be used to concentrate inspection efforts at locations most prone to fatigue or creep damage, and to solve vibration problems.
d) The inspector should use this information to evaluate the need for conducting additional piping stress analysis.
105) You are inspecting a piping system. You find a significant loss of material (a major increase of corrosion rate) in gas oil piping (used as reboiler oil, temperature
500 degrees F) on a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit. What is the best course of action for you to take ?
a) The losses may be reported to your supervisor for corrective response
b) The losses should be recorded and reported in your final report after the unit has started.
c) It shall be reported to the owner-user for appropriate action.
d) Replace excessively thin piping and note replacement in the final report after unit start-up.
106) The __________ shall maintain appropriate permanent and progressive records of each piping system covered by API 570.
a) inspector b) owner-user c) jurisdiction d) examiner
107) When making repairs and alterations to piping systems, the principles of __________ or the code to which the piping system was built shall be followed :-
a) ASME B31.3 b) API 570
c) API 574 d) ASME B&PV code
108) Repair and alteration work must be done by a repair organisation as defined in API 570 and must be authorised by the __________ prior to its commencement
a) jurisdiction b) inspector c) owner-user d) examiner
109) Authorisation for alteration work to a piping system may be given by the inspector after :-
a) notifying the jurisdiction and getting their approval
b) consulting API 570 and getting the approval of the owner-user
c) consultation with and approval by a piping engineer
d) discussing with and consent by an examiner
110) A repair procedure involving welding requires that the root pass of the weld be inspected before continuing the weld. A "hold" on the repair is required at this point. Who designates this "hold?"
a) A metallurgist b) The owner-user
c) An API 570 inspector d) The welder supervisor
111) What type of repairs and procedures may the inspector give prior general authorisation to continue (provided the inspector is satisfied with the competency of the repair organisaton ) ?
a) major repairs and minor procedures
b) limited or routine repairs and procedures
c) alterations and re-ratings
d) minor re-ratings and alterations
112) Who approves all proposed methods of design, execution, materials, welding procedures, examination and testing of in-service piping ?
a) The jurisdiction or the piping engineer as appropriate
b) The analyst and the operator as appropriate
c) The examiner and the piping programmer as appropriate
d) The inspector or the piping engineer as appropriate
113) Who must give approval for any on-stream welding ?
a) owner-user b) jurisdiction c) examiner d) analyst
114) An inspector finds a crack in the parent metal of a pipe adjacent to a support lug. The pipe was being inspected after a 5 year run. Before repairing, he should :-
a) Notify the jurisdiction prior to the start of any repairs
b) Write a detailed procedure for the repair organisations use in repairing the crack
c) Consult with the piping engineer to identify and correct the cause of the crack.
d) Consult with a metallurgist prior to writing a procedure to repair the crack.
115) A full encirclement welded split sleeve designed by a piping engineer may be applied over a damaged or corroded area of a pipe. This is considered a temporary repair. When should a permanent repair be made ?
a) If the owner-user designates the welded split sleeve as permanent, it may remain.
b) A full encirclement welded split sleeve is permanent if okayed by the inspector.
c) A full encirclement welded split sleeve is considered a permanent repair.
d) A permanent repair must be made at the next available maintenance opportunity.
116) What type of defect, corrosion, pitting and / or discontinuity should not be repaired by a full encirclement welded split sleeve ?
a) A longitudinal check
b) A circumferential crack
c) Pits that are one half through wall
d) General corrosion in the longitudinal direction.
117) If a repair area is localised (for example, pitting or pin-holes) and the specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) of the pipe is not more than __________ psi, a temporary repair may be made by fillet welding a properly designed plate patch over the pitted area :-
a) 30,000 psi b) 55,000 psi c) 40,000 psi d) 36,000 psi
118) Insert patches (flush patches may be used to repair damaged or corroded areas of pipe if several requirements are met. One of these is that an insert patch (flush patch) may be of any shape but it shall have rounded corners with __________ minimum radii.
a) 0.375" b) 0.50" c) 0.75" d) 1"
119) An inspector finds a pin-hole leak in a weld during an on-stream inspection of a piping system. A permissible temporary repair is :-
a) the use of plastic steel to seal off the leak
b) driving a wooden plug into the hole
c) screwing a self tapping screw into the hole
d) the installation of a properly designed and fabricated bolted leak clamp
120) Temporary leak sealing and leak dissipating devices shall be removed and the pipe restored to original integrity :-
a) as soon as the piping system can be safely removed from service
b) at a turnaround or other appropriate time
c) when the leak seal and leak dissipating device ceases to work
d) as soon as possible – must be done on a safe, emergency shut-down basis
121) Which of the following is NOT an item for consideration by an inspector when a leak sealing fluid ("pumping") is used for a temporary leak seal repair :-
a) Consider the compatibility of the sealant with the leaking material
b) Consider the pumping pressure on the clamp (especially when re-pumping)
c) Consider the pressure testing of the piping in question
d) Consider the number of times the seal area is re-pumped
122) Any welding conducted on piping components in operation must be done in accordance with
a) NFPA 704 b) API Standard 510
c) ASME B31.3 d) API Publication 2201
123) All repair and alteration welding to piping systems shall be done in accordance with the :-
a) exact procedures of ASME B31.3 or to the code to which it was built
b) standards of ASME B31.1 or the code to which it was built
c) principles of ASME B31.3 or the code to which it was built
d) ideals of ASME, NBIC, or API standards
124) Welders and welding procedures used in making piping repairs, etc. shall be qualified in accordance with :-
a) ASME B31.3 or the code to which the piping was built
b) NBIC or the system to which the piping was built
c) NACE or the method to which the piping was built
d) ASTM or the law to which the piping was built
125) The repair organisation responsible for welding shall maintain records of welding procedures and welder performance qualifications. These records shall be available to the inspector :-
a) at the end of the job
b) after the start of welding
c) following the start of welding
d) before the start of welding
126) Preheating to not less than __________ degrees F may be considered as an alternative to post weld heat treatment for alterations or repairs of P-1, piping initially post weld heat treated as a code requirement (may not be used if the piping was post weld heat treated due to environmental cracking prevention).
a) 150 b) 200 c) 300 d) 350
127) When u sing local PWHT as a substitute for 360-degree banding on local repairs of PWHT'd piping, which of the following items is NOT considered
a) The application is reviewed, and a procedure is developed by the piping engineer
b) The locally PWHT'd area of the p ipe must be RT'd or UT'd
c) A preheat of 300oF or higher is maintained while welding
d) The PWHT is performed for code compliance and not for environmental cracking
128) Piping butt joints shall be :-
a) double spiral fillet welds b) single fillet lap welds
c) double fillet lap welds d) full-penetration groove welds
129) When should piping components that need repair be replaced ?
a) When enough time remains on a turnaround to allow replacement
b) When repair is likely to be inadequate
c) When the cost of repair is as high as renewal
d) When replacement is preferred by maintenance personnel
130) Fillet welded patches (lap patches) shall be designed by
a) an engineer b) the inspector
c) the piping engineer d) the repair organisation
131) Fillet welded lap patches (overlay patches) shall leave :-
a) no membrane stresses b) right-angle corners
c) rounded corners d) burnished corners
132) Materials used in making welding repairs or alterations __________ be of known weldable quality :-
a) may b) shall c) should d) can
133) Acceptance of a welded repair or alteration shall include __________ in accordance with the applicable code and the owner-user's specification, unless otherwise specified in API 570
a) Nominal Pragmatic Sizing (NPS) b) NBE
c) safeguards d) Non-destructive examination
134) After welding is completed on a repair or alteration, __________ in accordance with API 570 shall be performed if practical and deemed necessary by the inspector
a) NPS b) safety sanctions
c) NBE d) a pressure test
135) When are pressure tests normally required ?
a) Pressure tests are normally required after alterations and any repair
b) Pressure tests are normally required after alterations and major repairs
c) Pressure tests are normally required after major and minor repairs
d) Pressure tests are normally required only as specified by the owner-user
136) When a pressure test is not necessary or practical, what shall be utilised in lieu of a pressure test ?
a) NPS b) Non-destructive examination
c) Vacuum visual examination d) NBE
137) Special procedure in place of a pressure test after an alteratino or repair may be done only after consultation with :-
a) the operations and the repair organisation
b) the inspector and the piping engineer
c) the jurisdiction
d) the examiner and the inspector
137) Special procedure in place of a pressure test after an alteration or repair may be done only after consultation with :-
a) the operators and the repair organisation
b) the inspector and the piping engineer
c) the jurisdiction
d) the examiner and the inspector
138) When it is not practical to perform a pressure test of a final closure weld that joins a new or replacement section of piping to an existing system, several requirements shall be satisfied. Which of the following is NOT one of the requirements :-
a) The closure weld is a full-penetration fillet weld between a weld neck flange and standard piping component or straight sections of pipe of equal diameter and thickness, axially aligned, and or equivalent materials. For design cases upto Class 150 and 500oF, slip-on flanges are acceptable alternates.
b) MT or PT shall be performed on the root pass and the completed butt weld. Fillet welds must have PT / MT on the completed weld.
c) The new or replacement piping is pressure tested.
d) Any final closure butt weld shall be of 100 % radiographic quality; or angle-beam UT may be used, provide the appropriate acceptance criteria is established.
139) Which of the following is NOT a requirement for re-rating a piping system by changing the temperature or the MAWP :-
a) The existing pressure relieving devices are still in place and set as they were originally
b) Calculations are performed by the piping engineer or the inspector
c) Piping flexibility is adequate for design temperature changes
d) A decrease in minimum operating temperature is justified by impact test results, if required by the applicable code.
140) Why is the inspector of buried process piping (not regulated by DOT) different from other process piping inspection ?
a) The insulating effect of the soil increases the possibility of more internal combustion
b) Internal corrosion has to be controlled by cathodic protection
c) Significant external deterioration can be caused by corrosive soil conditions
d) Internal corrosion must be controlled by internal coatings.
141) Indications of leaks in buried piping may include several indications. Which of the ones listed below is NOTone of the indications ?
a) A change in the surface contour of the ground.
b) Water standing on the pipeline right-of-way
c) Discoloration of the soil
d) Notice odour
142) Corrosion cells can form on both bare and coated pipe where bare steel contacts the soil. How can these cells be detected ?
a) Run an acoustic emission test on the piping
b) Visually survey the route of buried piping
c) The potential at the area of corrosion will be measurable different than other areas and a close-interval potential survey can detect the location of corrosion
d) Run an internal survey of the piping using a video camera
143) A pipe coating holiday survey is used to locate coating defects on coated pipes. It can be used on newly constructed pipe systems to ensure that the coating is intact and holiday-free. More often, it is used on buried pipe to :-
a) show the measurable differences in electrical potential in corroded areas
b) evaluate coating serviceability for buried piping that has been in-service for along time.
c) determine the depth of the piping for resistivity testing
d) evaluate the cathodic protection components of the under-ground pipe
144) Cathodically protected buried piping should be monitored __________ to assure adequate levels of protection
a) regularly b) intermittently
c) erratically d) frequently
145) If an "intelligent pigging" system is used to inspect buried piping, what type of bends are usually required in the piping system ?
a) Five diameter bends b) 90 degree pipe ells
c) Ten diameter bends d) Three diameter bends
146) How often should above-grade visual surveillance of a buried pipeline right-of-way be made ?
a) Once a month b) Approximately 6 month intervals
c) Once a year d) Once every 3 months
147) How often should poorly coated pipes with inconsistent cathodic protection potentials have a pipe-to-soil potential survey made ?
a) Yearly b) Every 2 years
c) Every 5 years d) Every 7 years
148) On buried piping, what is the frequency of pipe coating holiday surveys ?
a) The frequency is governed by the leak test interval of the pipe
b) It is usually based on indications that other forms of corrosion control are ineffective.
c) Surveys are normally made every 5 years
d) Pipe coating holiday surveys are made when the pipe is excavated.
149) For a piping buried in lengths greater than __________ feet and not cathodically protected, evaluation of soil corrosivity should be performed at 5-year intervals.
a) 50 b) 75 c) 100 d) 150
150) If buried piping is cathodically protected, the system should be monitored at intervals in accordance with Section 10 of NACE RP0169 or Section 90 of API RP 651.
API RP 651 specifies __________ interval.
a) annual b) biannual
c) biennial d) trennial
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