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아직 공유안한 자료들 많이 있습니다 혹시 필요하신분들 댓글 달아주세요 (510,570, 653, ASNT L3, CWI 등...기타 각종 코드 필요하신분들 )
국내 최저가 화상영어 추천(한달 5만원 20회 20분)
51) Thickness measurement locations (TMLs) are specific __________ along the piping circuit where inspections are to be made
a) points b) areas c) items d) junctures
52) The minimum thickness at each TML can be located by
a) electromagnetic techniques
b) ultrasonic scanning or radiography
c) hammer testing
d) MT and / or PT
53) Where appropriate, thickness measurements should include measurements at each of __________ on pipe and fittings
a) two quadrants b) three locations
c) four quadrants d) six points
54) Where should special attention be placed when taking thickness measurements of an elbow ?
a) the outlet end; b) the inlet end
c) the inside and outside radius d) the sides
55) TMLs should be marked on inspection drawings and __________ to allow repetitive measurements
a) on the inspectors notes b) on a computer system
c) on the piping system d) on maintenance department charts
56) What is taken into account by an experienced inspector when selecting TMLs ?
a) The amount of corrosion expected
b) The patterns of corrosion that would be expected
c) The number and the cost of reading the TMLs
d) Whether the TMLs are easily accessed
57) In theory, a piping circuit subject to perfectly uniform corrosion could be adequately monitored with __________ TMLs
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
58) More TMLs should be selected for piping systems with any of the following characteristics :-
a) Low potential for creating a safety or environmental emergency in the event of a leak.
b) More complexity in terms of fittings, branches, deadlegs, injection points, etc.
c) Relatively non-corrosive piping systems
d) Long, straight-run piping systems
59) Fewer TMLs can be selected for piping systems with any of the following characteristics :-
a) More complexity in terms of fittings, branches, deadlegs, injection points, etc.
b) Higher expected or experienced corrosion rates
c) Long, straight-run piping systems
d) Higher potential for localised corrosion
60) TMLs can be eliminated for piping systems with the following characteristics
a) Higher potential for creating a safety or environmental emergency in the event of a leak.
b) Low potential for creating a safety or environmental emergency in the event of a leak.
c) Extremely low potential for creating a safety of environmental emergency in the event of a leak.
d) More complexity in terms of fittings, branches, deadlegs, injection points, etc.
61) What is usually the most accurate means for obtaining thickness measurements on installed pipe larger than NPS 1 ?
a) MT b) UT c) PT d) ET
62) What thickness measuring technique does not require the removal of some external piping insulation ?
a) AE b) UT c) ET d) RT
63) When ultrasonic thickness measurements are taken above __________ degrees F, instruments couplants, and procedures should be used that will result in accurate measurements at the higher temperature
a) 150 b) 175 c) 200 d) 250
64) Typical digital thickness gages may have trouble measuring thickness less than __________ inches
a) 0.2188 b) 0.1875 c) 0.1562 d) 0.1250
65) When pressure testing of piping systems are conducted, they shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of :-
a) ASME B31.3 b) ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII
c) SA B16.5 d) API 510
66) If a lower pressure test (lower than prescribed by code) is used only for tightness of piping systems, the __________ may designate the pressure
a) owner-user b) inspector c) jurisdiction d) contractor
67) The preferred medium for a pressure test is __________
a) steam b) air c) water d) hydrocarbon
68) If a non-toxic hydrocarbon (flammable) is used as the test medium, the liquid flash point shall be at least __________ degrees F or greater
a) 95 b) 100 c) 110 d) 120
69) Piping fabricated of or having components of 300 series stainless steel should be tested with __________
a) water with a pH of 4
b) water with a pH of 6
c) water with a chloride content of less than 400 ppm chlorides
d) steam condensate
70) For sensitised austenitic stainless steel, piping subject to polythionic stress corrosion cracking, consideration should be given to using __________ for pressure testing
a) an acidic-water solution b) an alkaline-water solution
c) a water with a pH of 5 d) a water with a pH of 4
71) When a pipe requires post weld heat treatment, when should the pressure test be performed ?
a) During heat treatment b) Before any heat treatment
c) After any heat treatment d) No test is required
72) During a pressure test, where test pressure will exceed the set pressure of the safety relieve valve or valves on a piping system, the safety relief valve or valves should be __________ when carrying out the test
a) altered by screwing down the adjusting screw
b) reset to exceed the test pressure
c) checked or tested
d) removed or blanked
73) When using block valves to isolate a piping system for pressure test, what precaution should be taken ?
a) Do not use a globe valve during a test
b) Make sure the packing gland of the valve is tight
c) Do not exceed the permissible seat pressure of the valve
d) Check the bonnet bolts to make sure they are tight
74) Several methods may be used to verify that the correct alloy piping is in a system. Pick the incorrect method from the list below :-
a) holography b) optical spectrographic analyser
c) X-ray fluorescent analyser d) chemical spot checking
75) Name a part of a piping system that thickness measurements are not normally routinely taken
a) elbows b) expansion loops c) tees d) valves
76) If environmental cracking is found during in-service inspection of welds, who assesses the problem ?
a) Owner-user b) Inspector
c) Piping Engineer d) Metallurgist
77) If an inspector finds an imperfection in an original fabrication weld and analysis is required to assess the impact of the weld quality on piping integrity, which of the following may perform the analysis ?
a) An API 510 inspector, WPS inspector, A Pressure Vessel Engineer
b) An API 570 inspector, a CWI inspector, a piping engineer
c) An owner-user, a B31.3 inspector, an industrial engineer
d) A Jurisdictional representative, a API 574 inspector, a Chemical Engineer
78) According to API 570, some welds in a piping system that has been subjected to radiography according to ASME B31.3 :-
a) will meet random radiograph requirements and will perform satisfactorily in-service without a hydrofest
b) will not meet random radiograph requirements, and will not perform satisfactorily in-service even though hydrotested.
c) will meet random radiograph requirements, and will not perform satisfactorily in-service after a hydrotest
d) will not meet random radiograph requirements, but will still perform satisfactorily in-service after being hydrotested.
79) How should fasteners and gaskets be examined to determine whether they meet the material specifications
a) All fasteners and gaskets should be checked to see if their markings are correct according to ASME and ASTM standards
b) A representative sample of the fasteners and gaskets should be checked to see if their markings are correct according to ASME and ASTM standards
c) Purchase records of all fasteners and gaskets should be checked to see if the fasteners and gaskets meet ASME and ASTM standards
d) A representative sample of the purchase records of fasteners and gaskets should be checked to see if the fasteners and gaskets meet ASME and ASTM standards.
80) When checking flange and valve bonnet bolts for corrosion, what type of NDT is usually used ?
a) RT b) UT c) VT d) AE
81) What course of action is called for when an inspector finds a flange joint that has been clamped and pumped with sealant ?
a) Disassemble the flange joint; renew the fasteners and gaskets. The flanges may also require renewal or repair.
b) Renew all the fasteners and renew the gasket if leakage is still apparent.
c) Check for leakage at the bolts; if re-pumping is contemplated, affected fasteners should be renewed.
d) No action is required since the joint has been pumped with a sealant.
82) All process piping systems must be categorised into different classes. On what are the classifications selection based ?
a) Requirements of jurisdiction and the proximity of population areas
b) Potential safety and environmental effects should a leak occur
c) Liability to the owner-user and the requirements of the jurisdiction
d) Access to the systems for inspection and closeness to population areas
82) (1) Inspection strategy based on likelihood and consequence of failure is called
a) RBI b) FFS c) BIR d) MSOS
82) (2) An RBI assessment can be used to __________ the inspection interval limits in Table 1 of API 570 or the extent of the inspection conducted
a) increase b) decrease
c) either a or b above d) none of the above
82) (3) When an RBI assessment is used to increase or decrease inspection intervals, the assessment shall be conducted on Class 1 systems at a maximum interval of __________ years
a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 3
83) Listed below are several examples of a CLASS 1 piping system. Which one does not belong ?
a) Anhydrous hydrogen chloride;
b) Hydrofluoric acid
c) Piping over or adjacent to water and piping over public throughways
d) Distillate and product lines to and from storage and loading
84) Of the three classification of piping systems, which includes the majority of unit processes and selected off-site piping ?
a) Class 3 b) Combination of classes 1 and 2
c) Class 1 d) Class 2
85) Class 3 piping is described as being in services
a) with the highest potential of resulting in an immediate emergency if a leak occurs
b) that are flammable but do not significantly vaporise when they leak and are not located in high-activity areas
c) that are not flammable and pose no significant risk to populated areas
d) that are not in classes 1 and 2.
86) Who establishes inspection interval for thickness measurements, external visual inspections and for internal and supplemental inspections ?
a) Piping engineer; b) Owner-user or the inspector
c) Chemical Engineer d) Piping engineer and the jurisdiction
87) Thickness measurement inspection should be scheduled based on the calculation of not more than
a) one half the remaining life determined from corrosion rates or t he maximum interval of 5 years whichever is shorter.
b) one half the remaining life determined from corrosion rates or the maximum interval allowed by API 570 in Table 1, whichever is shorter
c) one fourth the remaining life determined from corrosion rates or the maximum interval of 10 years whichever is shorter.
d) one quarter the remaining life determined from corrosion rates or the maximum interval allowed by API 570 in Table 1, whichever is shorter.
88) For external inspections for potential corrosion under insulation (CUI) on Class 1 systems, the examination should include atleast __________ percent of all suspect areas and __________ percent of all areas of damaged insulation
a) 50, 75 b) 50, 33 c) 75, 50 d) 25, 10
89) Piping systems that are known to have a remaining life of over __________ years or that are protected against external corrosion need not have insulation removed for teh periodic external inspection
a) 10 b) 15 c) 5 d) 20
90) For Class 3 piping systems, the examination for corrosion under insulation (CUI) should include atleast __________ percent of all suspect areas
a) 50 b) 30 c) 10 d) 0
91) For Class 2 piping, the extent of CUI inspections on a system operating at – 45oF will be
a) 75 % of damaged areas, 50 % of suspect areas
b) 50 % of suspect areas, 33 % of damaged areas
c) 33 % of damaged areas, 50 % of suspect areas
d) none of the above
92) Small bore piping (SBP) that is Class I shall be inspected
a) where corrosion has been experienced
b) at the option of the inspector
c) to the same requirements as primary process piping
d) only if it has dead legs
93) Inspection of small bore piping (SBP) that is secondary and auxiliary (associated with instruments and machinery) is
a) only required where corrosion has been experienced
b) optional
c) only if it has dead legs
d) only if it is threaded
94) If an inspector finds threaded small bore piping (SBP) associated with machinery and subject to fatigue damage, he should :-
a) plan periodically to assess it and consider it for possible renewal with a thicker wall or upgrade it to welded components.
b) inspect it only if it is corroded and the class of service requires an inspection.
c) call for dismantling the threaded joints for close inspection to determine if any cracks are in the roots of the threads.
d) have all the threaded piping renewed at each inspection period.
95) An eight-inch diameter piping system is installed in December 1979. The installed thickness if measured as 0.34". The minimum thickness of the pipe is 0.20". It is inspected 12/83 and the thickness is found to be 0.32". An inspection 12/87 reveals a loss of 0.01" from the 12/85 inspection. During 12/89 the thickness was found to be 0.29". The last inspection was during 12/95 and the thickness was found to be 0.26". What is the long-term corrosion rate of this system ?
a) 0.005"/year b) 0.0075"/year
c) 0.00375"/year d) 0.0025"/year
96) Using the information in question 95, calculate the short-term corrosion rate
a) 0.005"/year b) 0.0075"/year
c) 0.00375"/year d) 0.0025"/year
97) Using the information in questions 95 and 96, determine the remaining life of the system
a) 18 years b) 15 years c) 12 years d) 6 years
98) You have a new piping system that has just been installed. It is completely new and no information exists to establish a corrosion rate. Also, information is no available on a similar system. You decide to put the system in service and NDT it later to determine the corrosion rate. How long do you allow the system to stay in service before you take your first thickness readings ?
a) 1 month b) 3 months c) 6 months d) 12 months
99) After an inspection interval is completed and if calculations indicate that an inaccurate rate of corrosion has been assumed in a piping system, how do you determine the corrosion rate for the next inspection period ?
a) Check the original calculations to find out what the error is in the original assumption.
b) Unless the corrosion rate is higher, the initial rates shall be used.
c) The corrosion rate shall be adjusted to agree with the actual rate found.
d) If the corrosion rate is higher than originally assumed, call in a corrosion specialist.
100) If a piping system is made up of unknown materials and computations must be made to determine the minimum thickness of the pipe, what can the inspector or the piping engineer do t establish the minimum thickness ?
a) The lowest grade material and joint efficiency in the applicable code may be assumed for calculations.
b) Samples must be taken from the piping and testing for maximum tensile stress and yield strength will determine the allowable stress to be used.
c) The piping made of the unknown material must be removed from service and current piping of known material must be installed.
d) The piping of unknown material may be subjected to a hydrostatic stress tests while having strain gages on it to determine its yield strength and thus allowable stress.
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