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API 시험을 치고나서 느낌은?
시험코드는 반듯이 정독해보시고 시험 치세요 대분분의 문제가 해당코드에서 출제 됩니다 그리고 공부방법은 기출문제를 풀어보고 그문제가 어디에서 나오는지 알아야 한다는 것입니다 그것은 추가코드를 공부할때도 마찬가지 입니다 문제를 풀때 앞의 목차를 보면서 어디에서 나올것 같은지 한번씩 생각해 보시기를 추천 드립니다
아직 공유안한 자료들 많이 있습니다 혹시 필요하신분들 댓글 달아주세요 (510,570, 653, ASNT L3, CWI 등...기타 각종 코드 필요하신분들 )
국내 최저가 화상영어 추천(한달 5만원 20회 20분)
국내 최저가 화상영어 (한달 5만원 20회 20분)
국내 최저가 화상영어 추천(한달 5만원 20회 20분) 아직도 말 못하는 수업만 하고 계신가요? ‘영어는 공부’가 아니라 ‘언어’라는 점을 아셔야 합니다 때문에 당연히 원어민과 대화를 하면
1) API 570 covers inspection, repair alteration, and re-rating procedures for metallic piping systems that __________.
a) are being fabricated. b) does not fall under ASTM B31.3
c) have been in-service. d) has not been tested.
2) API 570 was developed for the petroleum refining and chemical process industries.
a) It shall be used for all piping systems.
b) It may be used, where practical, for any piping system.
c) It can be used, where necessary, for steam piping.
d) It may not be used unless agreed to by all parties.
3) API 570 __________ be used as a substitute for the original construction requirements governing a piping system before it is placed in-service.
a) shall not b) should c) may d) can
4) API 570 applies to piping systems for process fluids, hydrocarbons, and similar flammable or toxic fluid services. Which of the following services is not specifically applicable ?
a) Raw, intermediate, and finished petroleum products
b) Water, steam condensate, boiler feed water
c) Raw, intermediate, and finished chemical products
d) Hydrogen, natural gas, fuel gas, and flare systems
5) Some of the classes of piping systems that are excluded or optional for coverage under API 570 are listed below. Which one is a mandatory included class ?
a) Water b) Catalyst lines
c) Steam d) Boiler feed water
6) The __________ shall be responsible to the owner-user for determining that the requirements of API 570 for inspection, examination, and testing are met.
a) Piping Engineer b) Inspector
c) Repair Organisation d) Operating Personnel
7) Who is responsible for the control of piping system inspection programs, inspection frequencies and maintenance of piping ?
a) Authorised Piping Inspector b) Owner-user
c) Jurisdiction d) Contractor
8) An authorised piping inspector shall have the following qualifications. Pick the one that does not belong in this list :-
a) Four years of experience inspecting in-service piping systems
b) High school education plus 3 years of experience in the design, construction, repair, operation, or inspection of piping systems
c) Two year certificate in engineering or technology plus 2 years of experience in the design, construction, repair, operation, or inspection of piping systems.
d) Degree in engineering plus one year experience in the design, construction, repair, operation, or inspection of piping systems.
9) Risk based inspections include which of the following :-
a) Likelihood assessment
b) Consequence analysis
c) Operating and inspection histories
d) All of the above
10) An RBI assessment can be used to alter the inspection strategy provided :-
a) The degradation methods are identified
b) The RBI is fully documented.
c) A third party conducts the RBI
d) Both A and B above
11) Which one of the following is not a specific type of an area of deterioration ?
a) Rectifier performance b) Injection points
c) Deadlegs d) Environmental cracking
12) Injection points subject to accelerated or localised corrosion may be treated
as __________
a) the focal point of an inspection circuit
b) separate inspection circuits
c) piping that must be renewed on a regular schedule
d) locations where corrosion inhibitors must be used
13) The recommended upstream limit of inspection of an injection point is a minimum of
a) 12 feet or 3 pipe lengths whichever is smaller
b) 12 inches or 3 pipe diameters whichever is smaller
c) 12 inches or 3 pipe diameters whichever is greater
d) 12 feet or 3 pipe lengths which is greater
14) The recommended downstream limit of inspection of an injection point is a minimum of
a) second change in flow direction past the injection point, or 25 feet beyond the first change in flow direction whichever is less
b) second change in flow direction past the injection point, or 25 feet beyond the first change in flow direction whichever is greater
c) second change in flow direction past the injection point, or 25 inches beyond the first change in flow direction whichever is less
d) second change in flow direction past the injection point, or 25 inches beyond the first change in flow direction whichever is greater.
15) Select thickness measurement locations (TMLs) within injection point circuits subjected to localised corrosion according to the following guidelines. Select the one that does not belong
a) Establish TMLs on appropriate fittings within the injection point circuit
b) Establish atleast one TML at a location atleast 25 feet beyond the downstream limit of the injection point
c) Establish TMLs on the pipe wall at location of expected pipe wall impingement or injected fluid
d) Establish TMLs at both the upstream and downstream limits of the injection point circuit.
16) What are the preferred methods of inspecting injection points ?
a) Radiography and / or ulstraonics
b) Hammer test and / or radiograph
c) Ultrasonics and / or liquid penetrant
d) Liquid penetrant and / or eddy current.
17) During periodic scheduled inspections, more extensive inspection should be applied to an area beginning __________ upstream of the injection nozzle and continuing for atleast __________ pipe diameters downstream of the injection point.
a) 10 inches, 20 b) 12 feet, 10
c) 12 inches, 10 d) 10 feet, 10
18) Why should deadlegs in piping be inspected ?
a) API 510 mandates the inspection of deadlegs
b) Acid products and debris build up in deadlegs
c) The corrosion rate in deadlegs can vary significantly from adjacent active piping.
d) Caustic products and debris build up in deadlegs.
19) Both the stagnant end and the connection to an active line of a deadleg should be monitored. In a hot piping system, why does the high point of a deadleg corrode and need to be inspected ?
a) corrosion occurs due to directed currents set up in the deadleg
b) erosion occurs due to convective currents set up in the deadleg
c) corrosion occurs due to convective currents set up in the deadleg
d) erosion occurs due to directed currents et up in the deadleg
20) What is the best thing to do with deadlegs that are no longer in service ?
a) Ultrasoncally inspect often. b) Radiograph often
c) Inspect often d) Remove them
21) What are the most common forms of corrosion under insulatin (CUI).
a) localised corrosion of non-ferrous metals and chloride stress corrosion cracking of carbon steel.
b) localised corrosion of chrome-moly steel and chloride stress corrosion cracking of ferritic stainless steel.
c) localised corrosion of carbon steel and chloride stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel
d) localised corrosion of nickel-silicon alloy and caustic stress corrosion of austenitic stainless steel
22) What climatic area may require a very active program for corrosion under insulation ?
a) Cooler northern continent locations.
b) Cooler direr, mid-continent locations
c) Warmer, marine locations
d) Warmer drier, desert locations
23) Certain areas and types of piping systems are potentially more susceptible to corrosion under insulation. Which of the items listed is not susceptible to CUI ?
a) Areas exposed to mist over-spray from cooling water towers.
b) Carbon steel piping systems that normally operate in-service above 250 degrees but are in intermittent service.
c) Deadlegs and attachments that protrude from insulated piping and operate at a different temperature than the temperature of the active line.
d) Carbon steel piping systems, operating between 250 degrees F and
600 degrees F.
24) What location is subject to corrosion under insulation and inspection contributes to it?
a) Locations where pipe hangers and other supports exist.
b) Locations where insulator has been stripped to permit inspection of the piping.
c) Locations where insulation plugs have been removed to permit piping thickness measurements.
d) Locations where there is damaged or missing insulation jacketing.
25) Soil-to-air (S/A) interfaces for buried piping are a location where localised corrosion may take place. If the buried part is excavated for inspection, how deep should the excavation be to determine if there is hidden damage ?
a) 12 to 18 inches b) 6 to 12 nches
c) 12 to 24 inches d) 6 to 18 inches
26) At concrete-to-air and asphalt-to-air interfaces of buried piping without cathodic protection, the inspector look for evidence that the caulking or seal at the interface has deteriorated and allowed moisture ingress. If such a condition exists on pipnig systems over __________ years old, it may be necessary to inspect for corrosion beneath the surface before resealing the joint.
a) 8 b) 5 c) 15 d) 10
27) An example of service-specific and localised corrosion is :-
a) Corrosion under insulation in areas exposed to steam vents
b) Unanticipated acid or caustic carryover from processes into non-alloyed piping
c) Corrosion in deadlegs
d) Corrosion of underground piping at soil-to-air interface where it ingresses or egresses.
28) Erosion can be defined as :-
a) galvanic corrosion of a material where uniform losses occur
b) removal of surface material by action of numerous impacts of solid or liquid particles
c) gradual loss of material by a corrosive medium acting uniformly on the material surface
d) pitting on the surface of a material to the extent that a rough uniform loss occurs
29) A combination of corrosion and erosion results in significantly greater metal loss that can be expected from corrosion or erosion alone. This type of loss occurs at
a) high-velocity and high-turbulence areas
b) areas where condensation or exposure to wet hydrogen sulphide or carbonates occur
c) surface-to-air interfaces f buried piping
d) areas where gradual loss of material occurs because of a corrosive medium
30) Environmental cracking of austenite stainless steels is caused many times by :-
a) exposing areas to high-velocity and high-turbulence streams
b) excessive cyclic stresses that are often very low
c) exposure to chlorides from salt water, wash-up water, etc.
d) creep of the material by long time exposure to high temperature and stress
31) When the inspector suspects or is advised that specific piping circuits may be susceptible to environmental cracking, the inspector should :-
a) call in a piping engineer for consultation
b) investigate the history of the piping circuit
c) obtain advise from a Metallurgical Engineer
d) schedule supplemental inspections.
32) If environmental cracking is detected during internal inspection of pressure vessels, what should the inspector do ?
a) The inspector should designate appropriate piping spools upstream and downstream of the vessel to be inspected if piping is susceptible to environmental cracking.
b) The inspector should consult with a metallurgical engineer to determine extent of the problems
c) The inspector should review history of adjacent piping to determine if it has ever been affected.
d) The inspector should consult with a piping engineer to determine the extent of the problems.
33) If external or internal coatings or refractory liners on a piping circuit are in good condition, what should an inspector do ?
a) After inspection, select a portion of the liner for removal
b) The entire liner should be removed for inspection
c) Selected portions of the liner should be removed for inspection
d) After inspection, if any separation, breaks, holes or blisters are found, it may be necessary to remove portions of the lining to determine the condition under it.
34) What course of action should be followed it a coating of coke is found on the interior of a large pipe of a reactor on a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit ?
a) Determine whether such deposits have active corrosion beneath them. If corrosion is present, thorough inspection in selected areas may be required.
b) The coke deposits should be removed from the area for inspection.
c) The coke deposits may be ignored – the deposits will probably protect the line from corrosion.
d) Consult with a Process Engineer and a Metallurgist on the necessity of removing the coke deposits.
35) Fatigue cracking of piping systems may result from
a) embrittlement of the metal due to it operating below its transition temperature
b) erosion or corrosion / erosion that thin the piping where it cracks
c) excessive cyclic stresses that are often well below the static yield strength of the material
d) environmental cracking caused by stress corrosion due to the presence of caustic, amine, or other substance.
36) Where can fatigue cracking typically be first detected ?
a) At points of low-stress intensification such as reinforced nozzles
b) At points of high-stress intensification such as branch connections
c) At points where cyclic stresses are very low
d) At points where there are only bending or compressive stresses.
37) What are the preferred NDE methods for detecting fatigue cracking ?
a) Eddy current testing ultrasonic A-scan testing, and / or possibly hammer testing
b) Liquid penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing and / or possibly acoustic emission testing.
c) Visual testing, eddy current testing and / or possibly ultrasonic testing
d) Acoustic emission testing, hydro-testing, and / or possibly ultrasonic testing.
38) Creep is dependent on :-
a) time, temperature, and stress
b) material, product contained, and stress
c) temperature, corrosive medium, and load
d) time, product contained and load
39) An example of where creep cracking has been experienced in the industry is in the problems experienced with cracking of 1.25 % Chrome steels operating at temperatures above __________ degrees F
a) 500 b) 900 c) 1000 d) 1200
40) Brittle fracture can occur in carbon, low-alloy and other ferritic steels at or
below __________
a) 140 degree b) ambient c) 100 degree d) 30 degree
41) Water and aqueous solutions in piping systems may freeze and cause failure because of the
a) expansion of these materials; b) contraction of these materials
c) construction of these materials; d) decrease of these materials
42) Different types of inspection and surveillance are appropriate depending on the circumstances and the piping system. Pick the one that does not belong in the following list :-
a) internal and external visual inspection
b) thickness measurement inspection
c) vibrating piping inspection
d) chemical analysis inspection
43) Internal visual inspections are __________ on piping unless it is a large diameter transfer line, duct, catalyst line or other large diameter piping system.
a) the most effective inspection
b) the most useful means of inspection
c) not normally performed
d) the major means of inspection
44) Name an additional opportunity for a normal non-destructive internal inspection of piping
a) When the piping fails and the interior is revealed
b) When maintenance asks for an internal inspection
c) When piping flanges are disconnected
d) When a fire occurs and the pipe is in the fire
45) Why is thickness measurement inspection performed ?
a) To satisfy jurisdictional requirements
b) To determine the internal condition and remaining thickness of the piping components
c) To determine the external condition and amount of deposits inside the piping
d) To satisfy heat transfer requirements of the piping
46) Who performs a thickness measurement inspection ?
a) The operator or control man
b) The inspector or examiner
c) The maintenance workers or supervisor
d) The Jurisdiction or OSHA
47) When corrosion product build-up is noted during an external visual inspection at a pipe support contact area, lifting of such supports may be required for inspection. When doing this, care should be
a) exercised if the piping is in-service
b) used when determining the course of action
c) practiced so as not to disturb the supports
d) taken that a complete record of the problem is made
48) Qualified operating or maintenance personnel also may conduct external visual inspections when :-
a) satisfactory to the owner-user
b) acceptable to the inspector
c) agreeable to the maintenance supervisor
d) permissible to the operation supervisor
49) Who would normally report vibrating or swaying piping to engineering or inspection personnel ?
a) Operating personnel b) Maintenance personnel
c) Jurisdictional personnel d) OSHA personnel
50) Thermography is used to check for :-
a) vibrating sections of the piping system
b) detecting localised corrosion in the piping system
c) abnormal thermal expansion of piping systems
d) hot spots in refractory lined piping systems
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