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CSWIP3.1 기출 Q&A 해설 4

by highquality 2023. 2. 14.

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1. Charpy impact test showing a flat through surface after the completed test, this would indicate which type of faiture?

a. Fatigue
b. Ductile
c. Fatigue to ductile
d. ( answer ) Brittle

See below picture: the Brittle faiture have surface is flat.


2) A STRA test is carried out to determine which of the following?

a. A quick indication of the weld quality for welder qualification tests
b. The test results can be used to verify that the material has not been adversely mechanically damage by the heat during welding
c. An indication of the materials’ elongation properties
d. ( answer ) An indication of the through thickness ductility (in the Z direction)

3) In a transverse WELD tensile test, if the break was in the Parent material, the sample would be:

a. Rejected
b. ( answer ) Acceptable if the UTS is equal to or greater than the specified UTS of the plate
c. Rejected
d. Acceptable if the UTS is between 80 – 90% of the specified UTS of the plate

Follow ASME IX: see below – tolerance for this test is not more than 5%.

4) What unit of measurement is used for Charpy impact test …

a. ( answer ) Joules
b. N/mm2
c. kJ
d. VPN

5) During a transverse tensile test, the first stage the specimen goes through is known as:

a. Plastic stage
b. ( answer ) Elastic stage
c. Deformed stage
d. UTS stage

a) the tensile strength, also known as the ultimate tensile strength, the load at failure divided by the original cross sectional area where the ultimate tensile strength (U.T.S.).

b) the yield point (YP), the stress at which deformation changes from elastic to plastic behaviour ie below the yield point unloading the specimen means that it returns to its original length, above the yield point permanent plastic deformation has occurred.

6) Root and Face bends from an 8mm thick butt weld require testing. The specimens are cut to 20mm wide. The Code calls for a 4t bend. Which one of the following former should be selected for the testing:

a. 80mm radius
b. 80mm diameter
c. 32mm radius
d. ( answer ) 32mm diameter

The former diameter depend on thickness of test speciment not wide.

7) Which NDT method is associated with Burmah Castrol strips?

a. Radiographic testing
b. Helium leak testing
c. ( answer ) Magnetic particle testing
d. Ultrasonic testing

We need to know what is Burmah Castrol strips:

Magnetic flux indicator strips (Castrol or Ely Strips) are widely used to indicate the presence of induced magnetic fields during the magnetic particle inspection method for inspection of ferromagnetic materials. Flux Indicators give evidence of an external field in the air above the magnetised surface.

8) Which NDT method is associated with the use of a yoke?

a. Radiographic testing
b. Helium leak testing
c. ( answer ) Magnetic particle testing
d. Ultrasonic testing

This is simple question.

9) The penetrating power of an X-ray set is expressed in:

a. Curies
b. ( answer ) kV
c. IQI values
d. The number after the isotope type

10) You find out that the contractor has carried out radiography as per the 10% contractual percentage required by the specification/Code. The specification also insists that an additional 2 welds are radiographed for every weld that has failed. One of the pipe spools had an unacceptable defect which the contractor has ignored and radiographed another weld in its place which is acceptable, what would your course of action be?

a. As long as the other radiographed butt weld is acceptable its OK as the 10% contractual percentage required by the specification/Code has been satisfied
b. This is usual practice as 10% NDT is not really important
c. Review the original failed weld and insist that they have the additional 2 welds radiographed
d. ( answer ) Review the original failed weld and have it repaired, radiographed. Then I would insist that they have an additional 2 welds radiographed

The contractor does it wrong.





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CSWIP3.1 기출 Q&A 해설 1  (0) 2023.02.14
