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inspection/ASNT L3


by highquality 2020. 6. 24.
160. testing is usually accomplished by
A. a crystal generating a face-shear type of energy
B. angulation of the transducer above the first critical angle, but below second critical angle
C. a transverse length expansion crystal
D. a crystal with a thickness shear type of ~~~

161. In the phased array technique, the effect produced when one transducer pulses:
then after a brief delay a second transducer some distance away pluses;
followed by a third transducer even farther away pluses after yet another delay:
then a fourth transducer and so on. What is this called?
A. Beam focusing B. Beam steering
C. Beam spreading D. Beam separating

162. What size grains tend to produce signification scattering of a soundwave?
A. 1/100 wavelength and larger
B. 1/10 wavelength and larger
C. 1/4 wavelength and larger
D. 1/2 wavelength and larger

163. The maximum practical scanning speed possible is primary determined by?
A. the frequency of search unit
B. viscous drag problems
C. the pulse repetition rate of the test instrument
D. the velocity of sound in the test material

164. The ultrasonic A-scan response to impact damage in composite tubing is often shown as
A. a total loss of back surface reflection
B. a helical configuration showing a local decrease in tube thickness
C. a local increase in tube thickness along with an additional reflection that aplits off from the front reflections
D. additional reflections along with a decrease of inner diameter reflections

165. A six(6) inch thick aluminum plate is to be inspected for centerline porosity using a 5 MHz 1 inch
diameter immersion transducer with a 15 inch focal distance in water. What water path should be
established to allow inspection with the focal point at 1/2T?
A. 1.1 inches B. 2.2 inches C. 4.4 inches D. 10.6 inches

166. Which of the following is most likely to occur if the piezoelectric crystal in a search unit is not
properly bonded to the backing material?
A. The beam divergency will increase
B. The test frequency will decrease
C. The near surfaces resolution capability will decrease
D. The near surfaces resolution capability will increase

167. Refer to figure 9 in the reference data booklet determine center of a 60 degree single "V" weld
where the angle of refraction is 60 degrees, the distance from point of incidence to center of weld is
4.62 inches; the distance sound travels to the discontinuity is 5 inches the plate thickness is 2 inches
A. 0.42 inches B. 0.29 inches C. 0.5 inches D. 0.75 inches

168. In order to separate discontinuity signal from erroneous reflections caused by surface oriented
geometric reflections, Which of the techniques below can be effective?
A. observing signal peaks at the test screen from the maximum reflection
B. Finger damping at the test piece location where sound waves are present
C. estimating signal arrival time using RF
D. Verify the signal with a surface wave

169. To determine disbond in laminar composite materials with immersion technique the most
appropriate transducer for an initial trial would be
A. focused B. flat C. angle beam D. paint-brush

170. An ingot is
A. machined before use B. a casting
C. a forging D. a weldment

171. Which of the statement is true when determine vertical and horizontal linearity during ultrasonic
system performance check?
A. vertical linearity limìts require non-interfering echos having amplitude ratìos of > 3:1
B. any reference block can be used if it produces the proper echos at the nominal test settings
C. horizontal linearity cannot be less than the horizontal limit
D. vertical linearity must be determined by using an IIW type 1 or 2 reference block

172. Distance-amplitude correction calibrations can be accomplished with
A. holes or notches at the same sound path distance
B. holes or notches at different sound path distance
C. three or more blocks of varying velocities
D. three holes of different diameters located at the same sound path

173. A lab facility doing thickness testing in the range of one-half inch to two inches on various
materials wishes to construct steel reference blocks with which to adjust their digital thickness
instrument using 1020 steel(0.232 in/mìcrosecond) and 410 stainless(0.291 in/microsecond)?
A. 347 ss (0.513in, -2.053in); 410 ss(0.399in, -1.595in)
B. 347 ss (0.513ìn, -2.053in); 410 ss(0.627in, -1.595in)
C. 347 ss (0.487in, -1.948in); 410 ss(0.627in, -2.509in)
D. 347 ss (0.487in, 2.053in); 410 ss(0.627in, -1.595in)

174. Parabolic echo dynamic responses in a TOFD image are generally indication of
A. internal side-wall fusion responses
B. small volumetric (point/rounded) discontinuities
C. inner surface-connected aligned crack
D. outer surface-connected aligned crack

175. Which of the statements below is not a common factor in the successful use of ultrasonic testing?
A. high skill level of the UT operator
B. discontinuities should have high detectability
C. adequate reference standards
D. detailed test records

176. Which of the following ultrasonic technique provide superior test results over pulse-echo technique
of determination of bond properties in material such as steel/rubber?
A. Refracted L-waves
B. leaky lamb waves
C. rayleigh waves
D. EMATs with meandering coil

177. In immersion testing of aluminum using water as a couplant the critical angle of incidence for the
longitudinal mode is approximately
A. 8 degrees
B. 14 degrees
C. 19 degrees
D. 24 degrees

178. Standards containing natural material flaws have only limited use a reference standards because
natural flaw
A. are not representative of possible defects
B. can never be considered acceptable
C. are generally representative of possible defects
D. can not be reliably reproduced

179. The response signal characteristics of an ultrasonic beam in a test piece is affected by which of the
following variables?
A. Effects of thermal or mechanical processing
B. velocity of the material and piece thickness
C. Flaw size grain size and alloy type
D. acoustic impedance and piece thickness

180. A grouping of a number of crystals in one search unit, with all contact surface in the same plane, and
vibrating in phase with each other to act as a single transducer is called a
A. focusing crystal B. crystal mosaic
C. scrubber D. single plane manipulate






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171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180

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