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국내 최저가 화상영어 추천(한달 6만원 20회 20분)
국내 최저가 화상영어 (한달 6만원 20회 20분)
국내 최저가 화상영어 추천(한달 5만원 20회 20분) 아직도 말 못하는 수업만 하고 계신가요? ‘영어는 공부’가 아니라 ‘언어’라는 점을 아셔야 합니다 때문에 당연히 원어민과 대화를 하면서
1) Austenitic stainless steels are not susceptible to HICC becausse:
오스테나이트계 스테인리스강은 다음과 같은 이유로 HICC에 취약하지 않습니다.
a. | They are non-magnetic |
b. | They are stainless and contain chromium |
c. ( asnwer ) | They don’t harden during heating and cooling |
d. | They are highly ductile |
HICC is Hydrogen Induced Cold Cracking
Susceptible Microstructure: Hardness Greater than 400HV Vickers (Martensite)
300 Series austenitic stainless steel has austenite as its primary phase (face centered cubic crystal). These are alloys containing chromium and nickel, and sometimes molybdenum and nitrogen, structured around the Type 302 composition of iron, 18% chromium, and 8% nickel. 200 Series austenitic stainless steels replace the majority of their nickel content with manganese to reduce cost. Austenitic steels are not hardenable by heat treatment.
2) The higher the alloy content of steels:
강철의 합금 함량이 높을수록:
a. | The lower the tendency for HICC to occur |
b. ( answer ) | The higher the tendency for HICC to occur |
c. | High alloy steels do not influence HICC susceptible |
d. | None of the above |
3) Which one of these statements is true concerning solidification cracking?
다음 중 응고 균열에 관한 설명으로 옳은 것은?
a. | Only occurs in MMA welding |
b. ( answer ) | Increased depth to width ratio will increase stress |
c. | Never occurs in MIG/MAG welding |
d. | All of the above |
Solidification Cracking (hot crack) can occur when:
-Weld metal has a high carbon or impurity (sulphur) content
-The depth-to-width ratio of the solidifying weld bead is large (deep & narrow)
4) A solidification crack normally occurs where?
일반적으로 응고균열이 발생하는 곳은?
a. | Through the HAZ |
b. (answer) | Longitudinal through the weld centre line |
c. | Transverse through the weld |
d. | Can occur anywhere |
5) Weld decay is caused by the formation of a compound with carbon. The other element in this compound is:
탄소와의 화합물 형성으로 용접부패가 발생한다. 이 화합물의 다른 요소는 다음과 같습니다.
a. | Manganese |
b. | Sulphur |
c. (answer) | Chromium |
d. | Nickel |
Occurs when:
An area in the HAZ has been sensitised by the formation of chromium carbides. This area is in the form of a line running parallel to and on both sides of the weld. This depletion of chromium will leave the effected grains low in chromium oxide which is what produces the corrosion resisting effect of stainless steels. If left untreated corrosion and failure will be rapid.
6) The directions of shrinkage in a welded joint are:
용접 조인트의 수축 방향은 다음과 같습니다.
a. | Transverse and diagonal |
b. | Transverse, short transverse and conical |
c. (answer) | Transverse, short transverse and longitudinal |
d. | Angular, diagonal and transgranular |
7) In a single pass weld, the width of the zone in which longitudinal residual stresses are …
단일 패스 용접에서 종방향 잔류 응력이 있는 영역의 폭은
a. | Independent of the weld width |
b. | Narrower than the weld metal |
c. | The same width as the weld metal |
d. ( answer ) | Wider than the weld metal and the heat affected zone |
8) What does the term “back-step” refer to during welding?
용접시 "백스텝"이란 무엇을 말합니까?
a. | A QA term referring to inspection points |
b. | Use of step wedges on the root of the joint |
c. | Use of step wedges for radiography |
d. (answer) | A weld run sequence |
9) Sequential welding is referred to with reference to which of the following?
순차용접은 다음 중 어느 것을 참조하는가?
a. (answer) | Distortion |
b. | Residual stress |
c. | Fatigue life |
d. | Not associated with any of the above |
10) A typical temperature for stress relieving C-Mn steel weldmet is:
응력 완화 C-Mn 강철 용접부의 일반적인 온도는 다음과 같습니다.
a. (answer) | 580oC – 620oC |
b. | 5000oC – 6200oC |
c. | 75oC – 80oC |
d. | 1500oC – 1800oC |
11) A typical temperature for normalising C-Mn steel is:
C-Mn강을 표준화하기 위한 일반적인 온도는 다음과 같습니다.
a. | Approximately 200oC |
b. | Approximately 300oC |
c. (answer) | Approximately 900oC |
d. | Approximately 1200oC |
12) A maximum interpass temperature is generally given to control:
일반적으로 제어를 위해 최대 층간 온도가 제공됩니다.
a. | High HAZ hardness |
b. | Low HAZ toughness |
c. | Lack of inter-run fusion |
d. | Excess levels of penetration |
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