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API 시험을 치고나서 느낌은?
시험코드는 반듯이 정독해보시고 시험 치세요 대분분의 문제가 해당코드에서 출제 됩니다 그리고 공부방법은 기출문제를 풀어보고 그문제가 어디에서 나오는지 알아야 한다는 것입니다 그것은 추가코드를 공부할때도 마찬가지 입니다 문제를 풀때 앞의 목차를 보면서 어디에서 나올것 같은지 한번씩 생각해 보시기를 추천 드립니다
아직 공유안한 자료들 많이 있습니다 혹시 필요하신분들 댓글 달아주세요 (510,570, 653, ASNT L3, CWI 등...기타 각종 코드 필요하신분들 )
1. The rules given in API 653 standards are ____________ requirements. This standard is not to be interpreted as approving, recommending, or endorsing and specific design or limiting the method of inspection, repair, alteration, or reconstruction.
a. maximum
b. to fulfill owner/operator requirements.
c. Minimum
d. Optional
2. API 653 covers…….
a. carbon and low alloy steel tanks built to API 650 and its predecessor API 12C.
b. carbon and low alloy steel tanks built to API 650 only
c. All carbon and low alloy steel tanks with construction code.
d. Owner/operator requirements.
3. API 653 scope is limited to the following but not one of this?
a. tank foundation.
b. First threaded joint
c. Roof
d. Attached appurtenances.
e. None of the above.
4. In the case of apparent conflicts between requirements of API 653 and API 650, for which tank place in service. Consideration to?
a. Owner/operator can decide to take up with one of the code requirement.
b. API 653
c. API 650
d. Construction code.
5. The provision of API653 who has ultimate responsibility.
a. API 653 committee members.
b. API 653 Inspector
c. Manufacture of tank.
d. Owner/operator.
6. Any provision of API 653 standard presents a direct or implied conflict with any statutory regulation, then………………
a. API 653 will govern.
b. Regulation will govern,
c. API 650 will govern,
d. Construction code will govern.
e. Owner/operator is have responsibility for this.
7. Before doing internal inspection, procedure shall be developed according to the guidelines given in ………………
a. API 2015, recommended practice 2016.
b. API 653 an API 650
c. Owner/operator procedure.
d. API 653 Inspector procedure.
8. Example of an alteration is……………….
a. Decrease in tank shell height.
b. 24” nozzle replacement.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.
9. The correct definition for applicable standard is……………
a. The original standard of construction.
b. Current edition of appropriate standard when original standard of construction has been supersede.
c. Such as API standard or specification or under writes laboratories standard.
d. All of the above.
10. The pressure used to describe tanks designed to withstand as internal pressure up to but not exceeding 2 ½ Ibf/sq. in gauge is……
a. Operating pressure.
b. Design pressure.
c. Atmospheric pressure
d. Maximum allowable pressure
11. Authorized inspection agency is…………………
a. Inspection organization of the jurisdiction.
b. Inspection organization of the insurance company.
c. Owner/operator who maintaining inspection organization.
d. An independent organization or individual under contract with owner/operator.
e. All of the above.
12. Break over point is related to………….
a. Settlement.
b. Life of tank.
c. Operation of valves.
d. Design of tanks.
13. Corrosion rate is the total metal loss divided by the…………….
a. Period of time over which the metal loss occurred.
b. Twice the period of time over which the metal loss occurred.
c. Period in years over which the metal loss occurred.
d. All the above.
14. The portion of the tank bottom or annular plate with in 3” of the inside edge of the shell, measured radially inward is……………
a. Critical area.
b. Special attention area.
c. Alarm area.
d. Critical Zone.
15. The following are example of repair in tank and not this one?
a. Removal of reinforcing plate.
b. Repair of tears or gouges by grinding.
c. Re-leveling and/or jacking of tank.
d. None of the above.
16. Repair organization is an organization that……………………..
a. An owner/operator of storage tank who repair or alters his/her own equipments in accordance with API 653.
b. A contractor whose qualifications are acceptable to the owner/operator.
c. One who is authorized by, acceptable to or otherwise not prohibited by jurisdiction.
d. All of the above.
17. Roof plate corroded to an average thickness of less than _______________ in any 100 sq.in. area or roof plate with any ____________ through the roof plate shall be required or replaced.
a. 0.10in ; holes.
b. 0.09in ; dents.
c. 0.10in ; dents.
d. 0.09in ; holes.
18. When tank roof evaluation, the structural _________ of the roof and roof support system shall be verified.
a. Corrosion rate.
b. Supports.
c. Integrity.
d. Design needs.
19. When fixed roof tank evaluation, particular attention must be given to the possibility of severe internal corrosion of pipe columns. But……..
a. Corrosion easily can see by external visual inspection.
b. Corrosion may not be evident by external visual inspection.
c. Particular attention not required, because of fixed roof.
d. Corrosion will not be severe in pipe columns.
20. Roof support system, perimeter seal system, appurtenances such as a roof rolling ladder should inspected when evaluation of …………….
a. Any roofs.
b. Fixed roofs only.
c. Floating roof only.
d. Any roofs if owner/operator requires.
21. Guidance for evaluation of existing floating roofs shall be based on the criteria of API653 standard is……………………
a. Mandatory.
b. Not mandatory.
c. Mandatory if owner/operator requires.
d. Not covering by this standard.
22. When change of service in external pressure the roof to shell junction shall be valuated for the effects of a design partial vacuum. The criteria outlined in ______________ shall be used.
a. API653
b. API620
c. API650
d. Construction code or applicable standard.
23. When change of service in internal pressure all requirements of the ________ shall be considered in the evaluation and subsequent modification of the tank roof to shell junction.
a. API653
b. API620
c. API650
d. Construction code or applicable standard.
24. When change of service; Operation at elevated temperature all requirements of _________ shall be considered before change the service of a tank to operation at temperature above 200°F.
a. API653
b. API620
c. API650
d. Construction code or applicable standard.
25. Riveted tank, which is in service can inspected by API 653?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No because API 650 not allowed riveted tanks.
d. Yes because API 650 for welded and riveted tanks.
26. When determining actual thickness, the maximum vertical length in inch (L) calculated by formula L=3.7√Dt2. where L is………..
a. Not more than 40in.
b. Minimum 40in.
c. It depends on tank diameter and thickness.
d. This formula is wrong.
27. When determining actual thickness; the maximum vertical length in inch over which hoop stress are assumed to ____________ around local discontinuities.
a. Average
b. Average out
c. Minimum
d. Maximum
28. When determining actual thickness; the actual corroded area may ________ to the maximum vertical length (L).
a. Lesser
b. Exceed
c. Same
d. Average
29. When determining actual thickness; the least thickness in inch (t2), in an area of corrosion _________ of pits.
a. At the point.
b. Exclusive.
c. Inclusive
d. Any area.
30. When determining the lowest average thickness (t1), averaged over a length of L, using at least __________ equal spaced measurements over length L.
a. 6
b. 5
c. Each 6-inch.
d. Each 5-inch.
31. Determination of minimum thickness in the corroded area excluding widely scattered pits is………………….
a. Al
b. Dimension Inspector
c. NDT operator (UT/RT)
d. Owner/operator
32. Widely scattered pits may be ignored…………….
a. Can’t ignored and it should be inspected.
b. If pit depth less than ½ of minimum acceptable thickness.
c. Above statement (b) with exclusive of the corrosion allowance.
d. None of the above.
33. When calculating minimum thickness, the joint efficiency is _________ for evaluating the retirement thickness in a corroded plate.
a. 0.7
b. As per table 4.2 API 653.
c. 1.0
d. None of the above.
34. Expand MFL.
a. Magnetic florescent leak detector.
b. Magnetic flux leakage.
c. Monitoring flux leakage.
d. None of the above.
35. For bottom plate thickness measurements MFL and UT are used but……….......
a. UT is often used to confirm and further quantify data obtained by MFL.
b. UT will be always preferred for bottom plate.
c. After UT measurements taken inspector should confirm with MFL method.
d. None of the above.
36. Unless stress analysis is performed, the minimum bottom plate thickness is the critical zone of the tank bottom shall be the smaller of ½ of the original bottom plate thickness or 50% of ‘t’ min. of the lower shell course but not less than________________
a. 1in.
b. 0.5in.
c. 0.25in.
d. 0.1in.
37. The thickness of the projection of the beyond the shell as measured at the toe of the outside bottom to shell weld shall not less than _______.
a. 0.01in.
b. 0.05in.
c. 0.25in.
d. 0.1in.
e. 0.5in.
38. The projection of the bottom plate beyond the outside toe of the shell-to-bottom weld shell shall be at least______________.
a. ¼ in.
b. ½ in.
c. 3/8 in.
d. 5/8 in.
39. Isolated pitting _________ appreciably affect the strength of the bottom plate & annular plate.
a. Will
b. Will not
c. May
d. May not
40. Due to strength requirements, the minimum thickness of annular plate ring usually greater than _____________.
a. 0.5 in.
b. 0.25 in.
c. 0.1 in.
d. 0.275 in.
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