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시험코드는 반듯이 정독해보시고 시험 치세요 대분분의 문제가 해당코드에서 출제 됩니다 그리고 공부방법은 기출문제를 풀어보고 그문제가 어디에서 나오는지 알아야 한다는 것입니다 그것은 추가코드를 공부할때도 마찬가지 입니다 문제를 풀때 앞의 목차를 보면서 어디에서 나올것 같은지 한번씩 생각해 보시기를 추천 드립니다
아직 공유안한 자료들 많이 있습니다 혹시 필요하신분들 댓글 달아주세요 (510,570, 653, ASNT L3, CWI 등...기타 각종 코드 필요하신분들 )
31. A welded patch on bottom plate smaller than 12 inch in diameter is permitted. If __________.
a. It is equal to or exceeds 6 inch in diameter.
b. It is does overlap a bottom seam.
c. It is placed fully or partially over an existing patch.
d. It does not extend beyond the corroded bottom area, if any by at least 2 inch.
32. The tank bottom plate required repairing by weld on patch plate. What shape of patch plate required, if the patch plate to be place 2 inch away form the critical zone.
a. Circular.
b. Oblong.
c. Polygonal with round corners.
d. Tombstone.
e. All of the above.
33. When replacing entire bottom, for tank constructed from material having 50,000 lbf/ sq.in yield strength or less, existing shell penetration need not be raised, if this condition also meet _________.
a. For circular reinforcement plates blend-grind the nozzle attachment weld 60° on either side from bottom center line of attachment and one pipe diameter length on either side of shell to bottom weld inside and outside.
b. For diamond shaped reinforcement plates, blend-grind the four ‘O’ clock positions to the 8 ‘O’ clock position. Blend-grind the inside and outside of the shell to bottom corner weld a minimum of one penetration diameter length on either side of the penetration’s centerline.
c. ‘a’ & ‘b’.
d. None of the above.
34. For tank shell plates of unknown toughness with thickness greater than ½ inch and having a minimum shell design metal temperature below the curve given in figure 5.2 of API 653. What is the one of limitation applying for hot tapping?
a. Nozzle maximum diameter 4 inch NPS.
b. The shell plate temperature shall be at or below the minimum shell design metal temperature for the entire hot tapping operation.
c. All nozzles above 4 inch shall be reinforced.
d. All of the above.
35. In tank shell thickness ¼ inch required hot tapping of 10inch nozzle. As per API 653 this hot tap is allowed?
a. No, only up to 6inch nozzle.
b. No, only up to 8inch nozzle.
c. Yes, only up to 14inch nozzle.
d. Yes, only up to 18inch nozzle.
36. A tank in service, this tank diameter is 200 feet and first shell thickness is ¾ inch, the tank design engineer analyzed and allowed to weld one 14inch nozzle in service. This new nozzle location going to be near to existing nozzle. As an API 653 inspector what distance you will suggest to install new nozzle weld from existing one?
a. 9inch.
b. 12inch.
c. 30inch.
d. 43inch.
e. At least 14inch.
37. During dismantling of tank, how much minimum distance has to cut from the shell to bottom weld toe, when the entire bottom is to reuse?
a. 1/2inch.
b. 2inch.
c. 12inch.
d. 6t (t is bottom plate thickness)
38. While dismantling of tank shell plate, any shell ring may be dismantled by cutting out existing weld seems and the heat affected zone of the weld, for the purpose of this method, the minimum HAZ to be removed will be_______________.
a. 1/2 of the weld metal width or 1/4inch, which ever is less, in any side of the weld seam.
b. 1/2 of the weld metal width or 1/4inch, which ever is less on both sides of the weld seam.
c. Cutting through the weld may use for dismantle any shell ring 1/2inch thick or thicker without removing HAZ?
d. All of the above.
39. During reconstruction of shell vertical, new vertical joints in adjacent shell courses shall not be aligned, but shall be offset from each other a minimum distance of plate thickness at the point of offset is ____________.
a. 5 t of thicker course.
b. 5 t of thinner course.
c. 6 t of thinner course.
d. 6 t of thicker course.
40. Low hydrogen electrode shall be used for SMAW during reconstruction welding for the following.
a. All shell course of API 650 Group I – III materials.
b. All shell course over ½ inch thick of API 650 Group IV – VI materials.
c. Temporary and new permanent attachment to shell of API 650 Group IV – VI materials.
d. All of the above.
41. Maximum reinforcement of a reconstructed vertical joint of shell thickness 1inch is ________.
a. 3/16 inch.
b. 1/8 inch.
c. 1/32 inch.
d. 1/64 inch.
42. What will be the radii measurement tolerance for reconstructed tank measured in second shell course of a 100 feet diameter tank?
a. + 2.25 inch.
b. + 3/4 inch.
c. + 5 inch.
d. None of the above.
43. Allowable peaking & banding for reconstructed tank in any 36inch of welding will be _______.
a. ½ inch maximum peaking : 1inch maximum banding.
b. 1inch maximum peaking : ½ inch maximum banding.
c. ½ inch peaking and banding maximum.
d. None of the above.
44. The welds of permanent attachments and area where temporary attachments are removed and remaining weld projections have been removed, shall be examined ____________.
a. MT or PT.
b. MFT or UT.
c. Visually.
d. All of the above.
45. A tank new shell plates replaced and welded over an existing shell plates, for this condition, what will be the additional RT requirement?
a. New replacement shell plates to existing shell plates, one additional RT shall be taken in each vertical joints.
b. New replacement shell to existing shell plates, one additional RT for each 50 feet of repaired horizontal weld.
c. New replacement shell plates to existing shell plates, each intersection shall be radio graphed.
d. All of the above.
46. For replacement plate NDT which of the following requirement is correct?
a. For circular replacement plate one spot for all thickness and 100% RT if above 1inch thick.
b. For square and rectangular replacement plates, one spot in vertical joint and one spot in horizontal joint for all thickness, and 100% of vertical joints if above 1inch thick.
c. ‘a’ & ‘b’.
d. None of the above.
47. Major repair and major alteration are_____________.
a. A 14inch nozzle replacement in the roof.
b. A 10inch nozzle replacement in the shell.
c. A bottom plate that next to the annular ring of full size replacement.
d. Shell to bottom corner weld repaired for 6inch length.
e. All of the above.
48. A full hydrostatic test for 24 hours shall be performed for ____________.
a. A reconstructed tank.
b. Any tank that has undergone major repairs or major alteration.
c. A tank where an engineer evaluation indicates that need for the hydrostatic test due to an increase in the severity of service.
d. All of the above.
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