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건설현장 각종(띠장, 철골, PHC 파일, 양중박스, 건설 장비 등) 비파괴검사 신청 (010-9319-1035) 국내 최저가 화상영어 추천(한달 6만원 20회 20분) 국내 최저가 화상영어 (한달 6만원 20회 20분) 국내 최저가 화상영어 추천(한달 6만원 20회 20분) 아직도 말 못하는 수업만 하고 계신가요? ‘영어는 공부’가 아니라 ‘언어’라는 점을 아셔야 합니다 때문에 당연히 원어민과 대화를 하면서 qi-inform.tistory.com 건설 현장 띠장, 철골, PHC 파일, 양중박스, 건설 장비 비파괴 검사의 필요성 건설 현장에서 사용되는 띠장, 철골, PHC 파일, 양중박스, 건설 장비는 안전과 내구성을 확보하기 위해 정기적인 비파괴 검사가 필요합니다. 비파괴 검사는 물체를 손상시키지 않고 내부 결함을 찾아내는 검사 방법으로, 건설 현장의 안전과 구조물의 지속 가능성을 유지하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다.. 2024. 3. 29.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 MT 5 81. The coercive force the magnetic material whose hystersis loop is shown in figure.4 is given by the A. amplitude of flux density B at point 8 B. amplitude of flux density B at point E C. product of B and H at point B D. negative value of H at point C 82. On the initial magnetization curve the maximum permeability of the magnetic material is achivevd A. at the point of maximum slope on curve o.. 2020. 7. 21.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 MT 4 61. Which of the following would be most applicable for the detection of sub-surface flaws in a high permeability welded structure? A. Wet fluorescent-AC B. Dry visible-FWDC C. Dry visible-HWDC D. Wet fluorescent-DC 62. Which of the statements below are not typically employed to prevent or minimize prod marks on parts A. Use padded prods B. Reduce prod spacing and magnetizing current C. Make sur.. 2020. 6. 26.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 MT 3 41. The bulk indicator is designed and normally used for an assessment of magnetic leakage fields as a practical check on the external demagnetization state of an object. The indicators commonly used for checking external field levels after a magnetic particle test normally have a range of about 1 to 2mT (10 to 20 Gauss). Positive and negative readings represent which pole? A. Positive readings .. 2020. 6. 26.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 MT 2 21. When establishing a magnetic particle procedure for a part to be used in a specific application, there are many parameters that should be included in the procedure. Of the items listed below, which one has no appreciable effect on the inspection results? A. Type of magnetic particles B. Type and amount of applied current C. Direction of magnetizing field D. Reference to applicable standards .. 2020. 6. 26.
QUIZ) ASNT L3 MT 1 1. The magnetic principle underlying circular magnetization with a central conductor is based on the fact that A. Circular(eddy) currents are induced by magnetic flux B. the "Hall effect" is applied in finding the "constant" for the L/D ratio C. there is a circular magnetic field surrounding any electrical conductor D. the direction of the magnetic flux lines is determined by the direction of th.. 2020. 6. 9.